Debugging Made Easy with Git Bisect

Anna Azzam
2 min readJan 5, 2023

What is Git Bisect?

Git bisect is a powerful tool that allows you to quickly find the commit that introduced a bug into your codebase. Long gone are the days of manually checking out each commit and testing it — git bisect uses a binary search to pinpoint the exact commit where the bug was introduced in the least number of steps, saving you time in tracking down issues and bugs.

How does it work?

git bisect works by:

  • Asking you to identify the last known good commit (a commit that doesn’t contain the bug)
  • Asking you to identify a bad commit (a commit that does contain the bug, usually the head of your master branch)
  • Repeatedly checking you out to a new commit, and asking you to test and identify if the commit is good or bad

Looking at the below diagram, at each stage, the algorithm uses a binary search to narrow down the culprit commit to either range A or range B, depending on if current commit is good or bad:

How can I use it?

